Clay Maksymiuk Projects

Point Simulation

Swarm simulation environment using points in Pygame.

Inverse Kinematics Simulation

In EECS 367 (Introduction to Autonomous Robotics), I implemented inverse kinematics algorithms with gradient descent optimization to move a robotic arm to specific positions in 3D space. We were challenged to get to 100 points in 60 seconds, which I was able to achieve

Weather Data

As it turns out, my room walls are very poorly insulated, meaning I have to run a space heater throughout the day. I was curious to see how my room’s temperature decreased with the outside temperature and how quickly the space heater could heat my room. You can see the site here. Note that Heroku takes about 15 seconds to wake up, and the data is located between October 19th 2020 and October 25th 2020.

Dario LLC

When quarantine first began, my roommates and I wanted to start a project to keep our minds busy. We quickly identified a shared pain point: setting up meetings with other students took way too long. Much of it was guessing when they were free and proposing times we thought might work, which resulted in lots of back and forth. This shared annoyance became the origin of Dario. Dario is a conversational, personal assistant that people can text to help them better schedule meetings. After sending a text (“Schedule a meeting with Alice, Bob, and Charlie sometime in the next two weeks”), Dario checks your calendar and contacts the meeting participants to determine the best time available for everyone. What began as a weeklong hackathon before everyone went home for the semester turned into an ongoing passion project that we aspire to convert into a full-fledged business.